Often I hear students say these phrases:

I am too hungry.

The concert was too good.

The movie was too bad.

Tokyo has too many trains. 


What do you think?  Do you say these phrases?  

These phrases are actually incorrect.


Here are some phrases that you can use instead:

I am very hungry.    /    I am so hungry.

The concert was very good.    /    The concert was so good. 

The movie was very bad.    /   The movie was so bad.

Tokyo has a lot of trains.    /    Tokyo has so many trains.


So, often students will use TOO, but they should use VERY or SO.

It was too hot today.  → It was very hot today.   /   It was so hot today.

This food is too delicious. → This food is very delicious.   /  This food is so delicious.

Tip: Try this correction in your next lesson.  When you instructor asks:  How are you?  Say: “I am very good.” 


Also, students will use TOO MANY, but they should use A LOT OF or SO MANY.

I have too many friends.  → I have a lot of friends.

There are too many flowers in my garden.  → There are so many flowers in my garden.


So, when should we use TOO?  

Use TOO when you want to show that something is impossible.

Oh no, the store is closed.  We are too late.  =  Going into the store is impossible because it is closed.

The beach is too far.  =  Going to the beach is impossible because we can’t get there.

This necklace is too expensive =  Buying this necklace is impossible because I don’t have enough money.


Use TOO when you want to show there is a problem.  

The shoe is too small.  =  I can’t wear the shoe.

There is too much wasabi on my sushi.  =  I can’t eat the sushi.

These pants are too tight.  =  I can’t wear the pants.

There are too many candles on my birthday cake.  = I’m 24, but there are 25 candles on the cake.


What about? → Too bad.

This is a special phrase that we use to show sympathy or regret.  Similar to “I’m sorry.” or “I wish it did / didn’t happen.”

A: I lost my wallet.   B: That is too bad.

It is too bad that you failed your test.

Too bad we can’t go to the concert.  


What about? → Too Good.

Nothing is too good 🙂   Change it to:  Very good.

This pizza is too good!  →  This pizza is very good!

However, we do have an idiom in English:  too good to be true

This idiom is used to express doubt about something.   Some Examples:

A free trip to Hawaii!  That is too good to be true.

1975 yen for a Gengo Lingo on-line lesson!  That is too good to be true.   

Actually, the second one IS true!  With our current campaign, you can take lessons for just 1975 yen. 

Come join us for a lesson!


日本語の「〜が苦手」は便利な言葉で 上手くない 好きじゃない、どっちの意味を表現したい時に使えますよね。英語ではそれぞれ違うフレーズがありますので、気をつけましょう。 “not good at” は上手じゃないという意味を持つので、好きじゃないと表現したい時に使うと変な文章になってしまいます。例えば “I’m not good at celery.” = 私はセロリが上手じゃない。相手がなぜ困った顔するのかわかりますよね!

(X) I’m not good at coriander. / I’m bad at coriander.I don’t like coriander. = 私はパクチーが苦手です。

(X) He is not good at heights. / He is bad at heights.He doesn’t like heights. / He doesn’t do well with heights. = 彼は高所恐怖症です。


(O) I’m not good at singing. = 私は歌が苦手・下手です。

(O) She is bad / terrible at cooking. = 彼女は料理が苦手・下手です。

(O) He doesn’t like snakes. = 彼は蛇が苦手・嫌いです。

(O) My friends from Hawaii don’t do well with cold weather. = 私のハワイ出身の友だちは寒いのが苦手・好きじゃないです。


(O) I suck at bowling. = 私はボーリングが苦手・下手です。

(O) My uncle is the worst at driving.  = 私のおじさんは運転が苦手・下手です。

(O) She’s not a fan of bananas. = 彼女はバナナが苦手・好きじゃない。

(O) Natto is not my thing.  = 私は納豆が苦手・好きじゃないです。

As an English teacher, I correct this mistake EVERY SINGLE DAY. I’m not joking. It is one of, if not the most, common mistake made by students in Japan.

Almost is used when talking about approximation, while Most references majority.

殆どの〜」と言いたい時に “almost” を使うのは間違いです。 “Almost people” = もう少しで人、と言うことは猿?! 違いますよね。こういう時は “most” を使いましょう。

ほぼ」と言いたい時に “almost” を使うのも間違いです。 “I almost eat soba for lunch.” = 昼食はもう少しでお蕎麦を食べています。意味が不明ですよね。こういう時は  “mostly” を使いましょう。


(X) Almost Japanese food is healthy.Most Japanese food is healthy. = 殆どの和食はヘルシーです。

(X) She finished almost her homework.She finished most of her homework. = 彼女は宿題を殆ど終わらせました。


(X) I almost stayed at home this past weekend.I mostly stayed at home this past weekend. = 先週末はほぼ家にいました。

(X) He almost eats pistachio ice cream for dessert.He mostly eats pistachio ice cream for dessert. = 彼はデザートの時には大体ピスタチオアイスクリームを食べます。


(O) He’s almost done with work for today. = 彼は今日の仕事はもう少しで終わります。

(O) I almost missed my train this morning. = 私は今朝もう少しで電車に乗り遅れるところでした。

(O) It’s almost midnight. = あともう少しで夜中の12時です。

(O) She is almost 30 years old. = 彼女はもう少しで30歳になります。


(O) Most people from the Netherlands are very tall. = 殆どのオランダ人は背が高いです。

(O) I was able to see most of Malaysia during my trip. = 旅行でマレーシアの殆どを見れました。

(O) He spent most of his childhood in Zimbabwe. = 彼は幼年時代の大半はジンバブエに住んでいました。

(O) It was the most beautiful flower I’ve ever seen. = 今まで見てきた花の中で一番素敵でした。


※ “Almost all” を “most” の代わりに使うこともできます。

(O) Almost all Japanese food is healthy. = 殆どの和食はヘルシーです。

(O) She finished almost all of her homework. = 彼女は宿題を殆ど終わらせました。

辞書で調べてみるとわかりますが “miss” にはとってもたくさんな使い方があります。上記の表には一番よく使われている意味をまとめました。

Miss” を動詞として使う時には一般的な「失敗をした」と言う意味では使えません。

(X) I missed at work today.I made a mistake at work today. = 今日仕事で失敗をしてしまった。

(X) I missed on the exam.I made a mistake on the exam. = 試験で間違いをしてしまった。

(O) I missed a great opportunity. = 最高な機会を逃した。

(O) I missed my train. = 電車を乗り遅れた。

(O) I missed a spot when washing my car. = 車を洗った時に一箇所見落としてしまった。

(O) I miss my dog. = 犬が恋しい。

Mistake” は過去形の動詞として使うときはそのままでは使えません。

(X) I mistaked the time of my appointment.I mistook the time of my appointment. = 予約の時間を間違えました。

(O) I’m sorry Ron, I thought your name was Bob. I was mistaken. = Ronさんごめんなさい。あなたの名前はBobだと思っていました。私の間違いです。

(O) There is no mistaking the smell of blue cheese. = ブルーチーズの匂いを間違えることはありません。

¡Hola Gengo Lingo world! Welcome to the [Miss Mistakes] blog series. Can you guess where the name comes from? Students often confuse the word “miss” with “make a mistake.” Teachers often hear things like, “I missed at work today.” The correct sentence should be, “I made a mistake at work today.” In this series, we will cover commonly made mistakes and explain the correction. Languages can be confusing because sometimes the same word has different meanings and usages. The word “miss” is a good example. For the name of this series, we are using “miss” as a courtesy title (i.e. Ms.) – a play on words. Please share any common English mistakes that you know of in the comments! Enjoy!!!

Gengo Lingoの皆さま、元気ですか?新ブログシリーズ「ミス・ミステークス」を紹介したいと思います。このタイトルの意味はわかりますか?生徒さんはよく「ミス」と「間違い」を勘違いします。「今日仕事でミスをしてしまった。」と言いたい時に “mistake” ではなく “miss” を使ってしまう。このシリーズではよく間違えられるミスを紹介し、正しい単語や表現を説明します。言語は難しいけど面白いですね。日本語もそうですけど、同じ言葉でも意味がいっぱいあって使う場も違う。英語の「ミス」はこの一つです。タイトルはワードプレイで “miss” を敬称として使っています。皆さんのよくある英語の「ミス」をシェアしてください!一緒に「ミス」して、一緒に勉強しましょう。お待ちしています!